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The Pool Experts in Dallas, Texas

We pride ourselves in being the best in DFW




Providing the Gold Standard in Pool Services

Beating the Texas heat is a challenge, especially in the sweltering summer months. The last thing you want is to be left without a cool, refreshing pool in the middle of July. Fortunately, Pretty Pools is here to take care of all your pool needs! Our team based in North Dallas is proud to be among the top swimming pool maintenance services in the area. We are an honest, experienced, locally-owned company, and we’re dedicated to providing world-class customer service. No matter your pool problem, the experts at Pretty Pools are here for you!







Swimming Pool Services in NORTH DALLAS, TX

We would love to assist with keeping your swimming pool in top condition. We specialize in pool cleaning, filter maintenance, equipment repairs, and equipment upgrades. Also, visit us at one of our pool supply stores, located at the corner of Flower Mound Road and Garden Ridge in Flower Mound. Not only do we carry a variety of chemicals and supplies to keep your swimming pool running in optimum condition.

Protect your pool with our extraordinary professional service and discover the possibilities a professionally maintained swimming pool can offer.

Take Advantage of Our Service Catalog

We’re committed to offering a wide range of services to meet your needs. Our pool cleaning company specializes in everything from pool equipment repairs to replacements. To complete our outstanding services, you can always count on us to use the best quality products on the market. Look to us for the following services and products:



What Our Pool Supply Stores Have to Offer

At Pretty Pools, we know all the work that goes into owning a pool. We’re also well aware that you don’t always need a professional to keep your pool in top shape. That’s why we operate with fully-stocked pool supplies. Our team wants you to have everything you need when you choose to DIY pool maintenance. You’ll find everything you need in one convenient place, including:



  • Swimming pool cleaning products
  • Pumps
  • Heaters
  • Filters



  • Automated equipment
  • Replacement parts
  • Pool chemicals






Why Texas Residents Choose Us

The team at Pretty Pools is committed to being a top-notch pool service provider in North Dallas. We work with clients in dozens of neighborhoods in the region, and we’ve served over 4,500 happy customers! Our highly-trained staff has the tools and know-how to take care of all your pool needs, from expert cleaning to installing new equipment. Once you choose Pretty Pools, you’ll never need to go anywhere else for outstanding service.



Contact Us Today for Swimming Pool Services

Are you looking for a new pool services provider? Pretty Pools is here for you. Choose from one or more of our many services, then all that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and let us do the hard work! Before you know it, we’ll have your pool in top shape and ready to enjoy. Contact us today to request service.







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